
Marine 生态系统保护


探索海洋自FAU港口分部成立以来,深入了解沿海和海洋中脆弱生态系统的功能一直是我们的主要研究重点之一. From the diverse habitats to the protected marine life they support, we examine their responses to pressures like coastal land development, nutrient and plastics pollution, 海洋酸化, warming temperatures and overfishing. 研究结果对决策者制定合理的保护措施至关重要, management and restoration strategies to help protect and save our oceans.

We are inherently connected to and reliant upon the oceans. The connection is closer still for those in coastal regions, where the effects of disruption in marine environments, 比如石油泄漏, hurricanes and sea level rise, 在经济, homes and lives can be profound.

澳门十大娱乐网址大全港口分校成立以来,深入了解沿海和海洋中脆弱生态系统的功能一直是我们的主要研究重点之一. “All of the species on earth are special; humans seem to forget that we are in this all together,” said pioneering FAU港口分公司 researcher and ocean explorer John Reed, Ph.D. “If we become complacent about species dying off and losing important habitat, whether it on land or the sea, 我们有 失去了自己.”

What happens in the Arctic today happens in Florida tomorrow.”





在佛罗里达, hundreds of miles of beaches are experiencing active erosion, 有害藻华 (HABs) have devastated economies and killed wildlife, 生态系统和成千上万英亩的重要海草和珊瑚礁已经被破坏或消失.

Floridians’ futures are intertwined with those of our plants and animals: the ocean economy contributes 每年300亿美元 到佛罗里达’s gross domestic product; 90 percent of Floridians 依赖干净的地下水 for their water supply; and 2.到2100年或更早的时候,100万佛罗里达人的家园将面临长期洪水的威胁.

  • 在佛罗里达, 数百个海滩 are experiencing active erosion
  • The ocean economy contributes 每年300亿美元 到佛罗里达
  • 2.100万佛罗里达人 live in homes at risk of chronic flooding by 2100—or sooner
  • 90%的佛罗里达人 依赖干净的地下水
  • 有害藻华 (HABs) have devastated economies and killed wildlife

探索海洋FAU港口分公司 Taking Action

五十年来,FAU港口分部的研究已经产生了与北极有关的长期数据集的宝藏, the Caribbean and the farthest stretches of the Indian River Lagoon.

Conserving Critical Habitats

海藻和海草等海洋植物的持续生存是健康海洋生态系统的基础. FAU港口分部的科学家种植海草用于当地的恢复工作,绘制天然海草床并研究其密度, diversity and long-term health.


From sea turtles to whales and dolphins, FAU港口分部的科学家通过研究脆弱和濒危野生动物的数量来检查它们, 行为, 健康与疾病, injuries and other threats from human activity. 除了, 海洋哺乳动物救援队24小时待命,为遇险的海洋哺乳动物提供帮助, alongside our stranding partners and the National Marine Fisheries Service.


To study important and vulnerable fish species, 比如骨鱼, 鹰射线, 石斑鱼, 和鲨鱼, FAU港口分部的科学家使用先进的技术进行种群评估, identify spawning aggregations and track movement patterns, map the distribution of larval fish, assess feeding 行为 and understand the link between fish and their habitats. 这些信息有助于资源管理者促进休闲和商业捕鱼方法的可持续性.

Understanding Impacts on Human Health

有害藻华的动态及其在佛罗里达的影响程度尚不完全清楚. Therefore, further research in these areas is critical. FAU港口分部的佛罗里达海岸和人类健康中心(FCCHH)满足了理解新出现问题的未满足的科学需求, 预测其影响,并保护印第安河泻湖区域人口的健康和安全. 该中心结合了领先的专业知识和多学科研究,承担复杂的问题,努力创造一个健康的环境, 人口与经济.


先进的原位监测技术是观察环境刺激和变化的关键. Using these data to create predictive models is key to sustainable management. FAU港口分公司 develops, deploys and operates these critical technologies.

The Indian River Lagoon Observatory (IRLO) is comprised of 13, real-time water quality-monitoring stations throughout the lagoon. 获得的前所未有的数据在网上免费提供,并支持关键研究和可持续管理.

地球化学和地球化学传感实验室开发和应用自主生物地球化学传感技术,以揭示复杂的, natural processes that fuel ecosystems. These findings can be applied to inform hydrologic or climate models, environmental restoration efforts or resource management decisions.


  • Improved understanding of fragile ecosystems and the wildlife they support, including identified causes of declines in health and population
  • New and cutting-edge techniques to better study and save imperiled species
  • 为战略管理和政策向各机构和非政府组织提供科学数据
  • 训练有素的研究生谁将继续研究或资源管理事业作为海洋生态系统的管家

我们结合使用传统和尖端的工具,为资源管理者提供最好的可用科学, 科学界和公众对理论生态和应用渔业和养护问题的关注.”

Associate 研究教授


澳门十大娱乐网址大全海港分校海洋学研究所正在迅速发展. Now is the time to expand our impact through private philanthropic support. 该研究所正在增加对核心项目的资助,这些项目将对佛罗里达州及其他地区的关键海洋问题产生重大而及时的影响. FAU港口分公司 has strong partnerships with government officials, the Department of Defense and leading research institutions around the world. 这些关键的联系和伙伴关系确保我们向决策者通报科学以及如何最终减轻对海洋的影响 以及沿海环境.


菲律宾十大网堵网站帮助下, 我们可以解决未来最紧迫的问题之一——保护脆弱的生态系统和野生动物. 在您的支持下, 我们可以进一步开展研究工作,提高我们对野生动物及其威胁的认识, as well as develop new methods and technologies for research.

Thank you for considering supporting this critical research area. FAU海港分部将我们的捐助者视为帮助我们实现愿景的重要合作伙伴: “Ocean Science for a Better World.®


Coral reefs may be under immense pressure, but if we are motivated and willing to support innovative research, effective management practices and novel intervention methods, we can save our reefs and the multitrillion-dollar economies they support.”

Associate 研究教授

澳门十大娱乐网址大全海港分部海洋学研究所通过海洋探索游客中心和海洋科学系列讲座与社区合作. 海港分部的研究和推广项目将海洋科学转化为改善沿海社区经济和生活质量的解决方案.
港分公司 Oceanographic Institute
Florida Atlantic University